Friday, January 30, 2015

Miss Wiscombe's Newsletter

Christena Wiscombe
This is my newsletter. It includes a spot light, lunch menu, upcoming events, a fun brain developing activity. It has colors that it looks more appealing to students.

 Miss Wiscombe’s Class News letter

Reading: Informational Text Standard 2 Grade 3 

Ed Tech Standard 6 
Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information and communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning and for pursuit of personal interests. (4)

The Intended Learning Outcomes described below reflect the belief that kindergarten, first, and second grade education should address the intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and ethical development of children. While the Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade Core Curriculum focuses primarily on content and the intellectual development of children, it is important to create a classroom culture that fosters development of many aspects of a person. By nurturing development in these interrelated human domains, young people will be healthy and discover varied and exciting talents and dreams. They will be socially and civically competent and able to express themselves effectively.
The outcomes identified below are to provide a direction for general classroom instruction, management, culture, environment, and inclusion. These outcomes should be interwoven throughout the Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade Core Curriculum, which offers more specific and measurable standards for instruction.
Understand and use basic concepts and skills.
  1. Develop phonological and phonemic awareness.
  1. Decode, read, and comprehend written text and symbols.
  1. Develop vocabulary.
  1. Develop reasoning and sequencing skills.
  1. Demonstrate problem-solving skills.
  1. Observe, sort, and classify objects.
  1. Make and interpret representations, graphs, and models.
  1. Recognize how content ideas interconnect.
  1. Make connections from content areas to application in real life. 

This will help the students to understand what will be happened for the week. Also it will be a great help for the parents as well so that they can be more evolved with their chills learning experience.  

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