Monday, March 23, 2015

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Health Habits

Health Education,Kindergarten  Standard 1 Objective 1
Ed Tech standard 5
Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)
Kids will see simple ways to stay healthy.

Develop physical skills and personal hygiene.
  1. Respect physical similarities and differences in self and others.
  2. Learn proper care of the body for health and fitness.
  3. Develop knowledge that enhances participation in physical activities.
  4. Display persistence in learning motor skills and developing fitness.
  5. Use physical activity for self-expression.

Children need to this so that they can start forming healthy habits now that will last them a life time.
Starting with just the basics will help prevent children from getting sick and missing more school.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Different Flowers in the Summer
Science biology
Standard 1
Objective 3
Ed Tech Standard 6

Use telecommunications efficiently and effectively to access remote information and communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning and for pursuit of personal interests. (4)

  Kids love to look at the flowers in the Summer time, this helps them to identify the types of flowers that they will see. I did not put any poisonous flowers on my blog but it would be easy to teach them to avoid flowers that are poisonous. Also you can explain that flowers have pollen and that is why some people have allergies. Let them have a hands on approach as well, teach them about flowers then give them seeds and have them plant their own flowers. 
Science is a way of knowing, a process for gaining knowledge and understanding of the natural world. The Science Core Curriculum places emphasis on understanding and using skills. Students should be active learners. It is not enough for students to read about science; they must do science. They should observe, inquire, question, formulate and test hypotheses, analyze data, report, and evaluate findings. The students, as scientists, should have hands–on, active experiences throughout the instruction of the science curriculum.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Lava Lava
Standard 1
Grade 5
Objective 2
Ed Tech Standard 5

Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)

I will show different natural disasters like a erupting volcano, a wild fire, an earthquake, and a tsunami. While teaching about what these natural disasters do for nature, I will also show them how to react if they are caught in a natural disaster or if the school was on fire or a earthquake happened. I will help them learn to stay calm and practice a safe way to get to a safe place.

Science is a way of knowing, a process for gaining knowledge and understanding of the natural world. The Science Core Curriculum places emphasis on understanding and using skills. Students should be active learners. It is not enough for students to read about science; they must do science. They should observe, inquire, question, formulate and test hypotheses, analyze data, report, and evaluate findings. The students, as scientists, should have hands-on, active experiences throughout the instruction of the science curriculum.

Objective 2 
Evaluate evidence that indicates a physical change has occurred.

  1. Identify the physical properties of matter (e.g., hard, soft, solid, liquid, gas). 
  2. Compare changes in substances that indicate a physical change has occurred. 
  3. Describe the appearance of a substance before and after a physical change. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Rocks are more then just rocks

When it come's up click the new mind map to get to my mind map.
 Science 4th grade Standard 5 Objective 1
Objective 1 
Ed Tech Standard 6
Science is a way of knowing, a process for gaining knowledge and understanding of the natural world. The Science Core Curriculum places emphasis on understanding and using skills. Students should be active learners. It is not enough for students to read about science; they must do science. They should observe, inquire, question, formulate and test hypotheses, analyze data, report, and evaluate findings. The students, as scientists, should have hands-on, active experiences throughout the instruction of the science curriculum.
The Elementary Science Core describes what students should know and be able to do at the end of each of the K-6 grade levels. It was developed, critiqued, piloted, and revised by a community of Utah science teachers, university science educators, State Office of Education specialists, scientists, expert national consultants, and an advisory committee representing a wide variety of people from the community. The Core reflects the current philosophy of science education that is expressed in national documents developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Academies of Science. This Science Core has the endorsement of the Utah Science Teachers Association. The Core reflects high standards of achievement in science for all students.
Identify basic properties of minerals and rocks.

  1. Describe the differences between minerals and rocks. 
  2. Observe rocks using a magnifying glass and draw shapes and colors of the minerals. 
  3. Sort rocks by appearance according to the three basic types: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic (e.g., sedimentary-rounded-appearing mineral and rock particles that are cemented together, often in layers; igneous-with or without observable crystals that are not in layers or with or without air holes or glass like; metamorphic -crystals/minerals, often in layers). 
  4. Classify common rocks found in Utah as sedimentary (i.e., sandstone, conglomerate, shale), igneous (i.e., basalt, granite, obsidian, pumice) and metamorphic (i.e., marble, gneiss, schist). 

Kids see rocks all the time, it is fun when they know what kinds of rocks are around them. They will also learn more about rocks and minerals in higher levels. If possible I would take my students to the base of a mountain and show them how the layers of rocks are different which was caused by erosion over thousands of years.