Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My dream life and job update.

So four years ago, a month and a day ago I made a post about my life and how I was hoping it would turn out, well here is what has really happened with an updated new plan for my futre life.

I did not get the internship with the hogle zoo I have been there once since then just to see what they have, it was so much fu to see all the animals.

I did not get married the following year in. October like I wanted, instead I was called to serve a mission in the best mission in the world. I was called to the South Africa Johannesburg mission but stayed in the beautiful country of Botswana the whole time. My mission split while I w there and it is now called the Botswana Namibia mission. I loved my mission and think about it daily. It true.y has changed my life for the better.

The summer after my mission I bought my very first car. It is a beautiful Chevy Cavalier. She has a Setswana name Go Impusa it means  Freedom. I love that car to pieces,

I went on dates with several guys, I liked some more then others

I recieved my associates in Science and I should only have one more year of school then I am done. I will be teaching preschool children and I could not be happier to have a end picture in sight.

I am living in Provo, my first semester out I was living with my best friend in the whole world and I love it.

I have the great honor of working in the Provo temple, I love every minute of it.

Life is nothing like how I thought it would be, nothing in my previous post happened but that is okay, I still love working with animals, I still would like to have twins a boy and a girl, I still want an October wedding but if it doesn't happen this year it will be okay.

I am slowly learning that my life plan is not what Heavenly Father has planned for me. But I am enjoying His plan so much more so I have nothing to complain about when He gives me so many blessings that I don't deserve but want.

I am truely hoping to live a life that will keep me close to the church, I want to live my life in a way that I will enjoy it but most impostantly heavenly Father will guide it and I will follow. This is my furure plan.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ballroom Blitz

Physical Education 3rd Grade
Standard 3 objective 1
Ed tech standard 5
Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)

The students will understand and respect their self and others related to human development and relationships.
Students will learn how to use large controlled movements with their gross motor skills. 
Health Education offers students an opportunity to acquire knowledge, practice skills, and develop attitudes that can benefit them throughout life. Building a solid foundation of good decision-making skills can contribute to a variety of healthy choices for self and others. Although the knowledge components are addressed through seven different content sections, the development of skills and attitudes has been woven throughout each of the seven areas.

This will help them in life because learning how to dance keeps you active and fit.
Also it will help them to interact with others students of the opposite genders given them chances to learn social skills that will come in handy through out their life. 

If students continue to dance they will learn team work, self discipline, time management etc.   

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Reading foundation skill kindergarten  Standard 2 Objective 1

Ed Tech standard 2
Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and advantages and disadvantages those uses provide. (1, 2)

Students will learn  how to identify the letters and the sounds that they each make, by seeing a image with the word next to it.  Also they will be able to sort the pictures  the with the correct words.They will be able to orally produce words by blending sounds.Students can demonstrate that they understand the spoken word and can associate it with an image.

This is critical for them because they learn images and words before they learn spelling, if we can help them match the two up and use  verbal, imaginary and written it will help them through out their life.